Thursday, 10 November 2011

Lets go round again

there....see.....i told you i could do it!!

its been a while since i last posted as i really didn't have anything to write that didn't seem self indulgent...rightly so really...anybody who thinks Ironman is easy hasn't done one!
Its not something you can just has to be taken seriously.

Not a lot has happened since July 31st.....i've sat around...taking some serious time off....ridden my bike once or twice....had a bad back....sat around easting and drinking beer....and now my belt is tight again.
I've tried running a bit...and been very shocked at how hard it un-motivated i feel...and how slow i there's only one thing to do......another Ironman!!!

Ironman UK is confirmed for Bolton again.....and although on the day i know i will wish i was getting in the water with the other 1500 athletes...i've decided to turn my attention to a different race...besides Mrs B is having a crack at IMUK and its better if only one of us races long at a the other can handle logistics.
So the OUTLAW in Nottingham is my iron distance race of choice....ok its not actually an Ironman (the distances are exactly the same...just not a branded Ironman) but it is incredibly popular...a massive PSOF outing...and a faster (flatter) course but still a massive challenge.And one i'm really looking forward to.

Structured training should start on 5th December...but in truth it will only start in January until then i'm experimenting with MAF running....this is staying in a very low Heart rate building a proper to train if you like....not too much to say about it but its easy and i'm enjoying the 'running' which to stay at a low HR means i have to walk a lot....which is nice.

I'll do regular updates for the few of you who read my blog, i wont do a day by day account like i did on the bcttt forum as lots of people now seem to be doing that (trendsetter or what?)

Its expected to be a faster people are expecting me to knock an hour off my IMUK time.....its not really that simple...but i do aim to get some speed this time round on top of the endurance i will build up...especially on the bike!

OUTLAW!!! here i come!!!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Andrew Butler....YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!!!!!!!

31st July 2011...Pennington Flash, Leigh...5.45am.....Simon Davenport and i are lining up at the start of IMUK...and i'm having a serious case of deja-vu...
haven't i been here before???
doing this exact same thing??

About to jump in a lake..swim 2.4 miles...then jump on a bike...ride 112 miles round Lancashire...then attempt to run a marathon to and around Bolton town centre??

I have..exactly a year ago...and remembering how that felt struck fear right into my heart...this time HAD to be different!

I have trained much much harder this year, especially on the bike, which is where i saw i could make the greatest gains..i've also thrown money at the problem (isnt that what your supposed to do?) investing in a new Trek Bike and the week before some new race wheels...and although i have not done as much swimming or running...i was feeling a little more confident....but getting into the water...all that confidence meant nothing..and the fear was eating me from the inside.

But i have a plan this time...i know my nutrition coping mechanism..and most importantly i knew the course inside out...i knew what time i had to be at what point in order to give myself a fighting chance of making the finish calm down...get in the middle of the pack and get going!

here we go again..Bang!
my swim strategy was simple...find space...take your time...and get out of the water in under the washing machine kicked up i managed to find space almost immediately and of course tried to go too 5 minutes in i was knackered...great start...i had to catch my puff with a little floating BS..compose myself and get going again...ok no shoulder is holding into a rhythm and settled i turned for the second lap i noticed the leaders heading for the i guessed i was about on target time wise so cracked on...a totally uneventful second lap where my stroke started to seriously fail could not be over quick enough and i was so pleased to be hauled out onto dry land in 1.34...first bit done...on Target!
So into T1 and i was planning a full my bag and went to the modesty change area...i was planning on taking my time..making sure everything was right and that i'd be comfortable for my assault on the bike into my trek bib shorts..socks on...BCTTT cycle top on....hang on...need to pee....right...glasses on..helmet on....stuff packed...seems like a nice morning...dont need arm warmers...dont need rain jacket..pack them...hand the bag over and out to the bike...RAINING!!!!

not loads of bikes left in transition but i felt happy and waved at the crowd as my name was called out crossing the Mat....i wanted to be on the bike by again..on target!

as soon as i was out on the bike i hit a speed bump and the bottle mounted to my handlebar bounced out ..this had all my gels in so i couldnt leave it.ok get skate back and pick it up... as i started riding again i realised it was broken..but i could live with it for now so crack on. (it just kept spitting gel over my legs and my bike..not pleasant)...plan here was to be at the loop (babylon lane not the timing mat) by i settled in...enjoyed the empty roads and smiled and waved at people who had come out to cheer us on...but something wasnt right, i had stomach ache and felt like AD time was finally going to come...just needed to get to the first aid station and the loo!

So.turned right onto Babylon lane @ about 8.50(start of the loop) and headed up the hill..Saw Cat (MrsB) and my mate Bob which was great but Cat decided to shout...ONLY 3 more laps...Great!! Thanks Babe i needed that....To make matters worse the aid station had no the stomach ache would have to water...dropped a nuun in and headed out to climb sheephouse lane for the first time!
The first time is easy to be honest...i've done it so much this year it holds no fear for me...but i kid you not...there were people walking up there already!
At the top where the tree is i saw Phil Graves sat on the grass..i shouted to him and asked him why he wasnt racing to which he replied 'i'm too lazy'...fair enough...over the top...down the fast part..into belmont...along the road to the motorway (got 40mph) and before i know it i'm heading for the halfway point aid station....brilliant...toilets.
I wont go into detail but it wasnt what i was a good that done i was back on water filled up and ready to get cracking now...legs felt great and my spirits were rain...temp really nice and lots of people out and about to wave and smile to!
as i approached babylon lane to start the second loop it was just before 11am..On Target!
quick cheer to Cat and friends who were now coming out in stopping this time...told everybody to give me a cheer (which they did) and ready to fill up on liquid again!
as i was heading upto SHL for the second time there were loads of riders around and the crowds there were AMAZING...there were people right up to the top of the hill and cheered every rider up...again people walking...but i just picked an easy gear and got to work...up again...easy!!!...once again took my time on any 'up' parts and tried to strike a balance between ease and speed on the rest! I loved the second lap as there was loads of other riders around and everybody was talking to each other..the atmosphere just felt different this year but maybe that was just my outlook on things.
as i got to the 65 mile mark i started to struggle a bit...and i got some cramping in my right thigh....i made the decision that i needed to i got off just before Adlington..propped the bike up and stretched the quad....ouch..cramp in the hamstring...stretch that...ouch...cramp in the quad! Doh!
I took a couple of minutes the rest of the nuun down me (only 3 miles from the next aid station) then got going again.
I went up babylon lane at 1..20pm..on target (planned for 1.30pm) was at this point last year that i stopped and told everybody i didn't think i'd make it...they all had to get me going again...i was determined to show them all i was in much better spirits this time so got out of the seat and powered on up to them shaking my fist and shouting lets have it!! lol..this got a massive cheer...thing soon as i rounded the legs cramped again!
I had only stopped 10 minutes earlier but i took the opportunity at the aid station to fill up water..add nuun..and rest while i tightened the screw on the bar bracket which had worked itself a bit loose....This was just what i needed and i remounted ready for another final crack at the hill!
there were still crowds at the bottom who all cheered me on (when i shouted give us a cheer to get me up this hill) and it gave me a real lift...the bottom part of SHL is not steep at all...but there was a guy walking...with a fuji Tri bike and an aero helmet...come on man ride it!!
once i got to the steep part though it was different...i was determined not to walk it so again just picked an easy gear..looked at the road instead of the hill and tried to find a happy place....finally i was at the top but the worst thing was i was also at 'the wall'...thank god i was going down hill now...i literally 'coasted' to the bottom and took on gel and fluid..i knew i could get through the was just a matter of how long it would take me....i went through belmont where the crowds were much thinner now but they still all cheered me on!..Belmont road has a climb...a fast flat section..another climb then a long long fast section where you can hammer it...i just didn't have it in me any more to hammer i just kept going..waiting for my legs to come back and to try my hardest to stay positive!

The difference again this year was that i didnt feel 'at the back'...i wasnt lonely..i'd seen the same riders around me most of the day as we passed back and forth and we all had little chats here and there which really helped...and so as i came towards the second aid station my legs were coming back and i was starting to feel strong again, then 2 things hit....
one...was that i was going to finish this..somehow at that point i knew nothing was going to stop me today!
the second thing to hit me...was a wasp...that decided to catch itself in my helmet and sink its vicious little spike tail into my head!!! cheers for if i'm not in enough the aid station i filled up with water...dropped in a nuun and made the mistake of asking a medic if she had anything to put on the wasp sting....INTO THE AMBULANCE I WENT!!! for a wasp sting....and she didnt even have any piriton!!! it was a nice little diversion though so i got back on the bike knowing i had about an hour to meet my target of T2 by 4pm.....i was out of the seat and powering up the hill when i saw cat and my friends again and i shouted i had been stung but i WAS going to do now i had absolute certainty that i was going to finish!
In the last section i passed quite a few bikes...including felt aero helmet boy and another guy on a speed concept and a VISORED aero helmet....i mean come on...i passed him doing about 10mph...what is the point?
i also said hello to one of the TEAM TRUE SPIRIT guys....this team was being helped by a guy i know called Martin..they are a team of service men and women injured in service and taking on this challenge...they made my plight look totally insignificant and the guy i spoke to only had one leg (he was part of a relay team) truly inspirational and gave me even more belief that if those guys can do this...then so can i.
At 3.50 i was at Babylon lane again....up the hill easy and well on target...i saw Cat who shouted confirmation that i would make my 4pm target and i headed into t2 asking people if they fancied buying a bike...cause honestly...although my spirits were good..i was sick of it!!

Got to T2 at 3.55 little bit more to spare than last time eh (8 seconds) and my legs were feeling ok...again i did a full change...had a drink and a little bit of food...took my time chatting with the others...went to the loo (another good sign for today) and then trotted out to the first small aid station...took on some water...a banana and some jelly babies they had left...most excellent....set off on a march until i felt i could run a bit...and headed for Bolton with my target of 6.30 in mind to start the laps....i'd put on a garmin at this point...which both helped but hindered me all night!! it told me my pace ok...but didnt tell me the time..and i had time targets for every point on the that annoyed to the crown where Cat and loads of my family and friends were waiting...quick kiss off cat (if that doesnt cheer me up nothing could) and i set off on a little jog shouting DEATH BEFORE DNF...which got a massive cheer even from people i didnt know.
Hooked up with Kev and Dave..forces and ex forces guys at this point and we marched into Bolton playing a little game of run from the car to the from the lamp post to the bridge etc which was brilliant....and so...before i knew it we was back among the people and on the loop section...almost in Bolton. My time target to start the first loop was 6.30....this way i knew i'd have 4.5 hours to finish giving me 1.5 hours for each loop...and i was confident....i was even more confident when i got to the town hall and it was 6.05...i was way ahead....tonight i'm going to be an ironman!!!
loops 1 and 2 were great..The aid stations were well stocked with gatorade..cold water and flat coke...also fresh banana's and ritz crackers which i absolutely loved. at each one i'd grab something..make sure i finished anything i picked up then crack on!
i saw Simon as i was on my first and he was heading in to finish.... absolutely amazing..his first IM..i had not seen him at all since the start..and he finished in under 13 hours...we had a hug and i told him to wait for me...because i WILL be there...nothing is stopping me tonight!..I also saw Martin and Andy who i've met through training this year and i hope will always now call me a friend...both buzzing and on their way to finishing.
the support was amazing all the way round and my spirits were up...i laughed...waved...threw banana's at people and generally tried to have a ball...and when people told me i was looking good..i told them i was feeling good...that i was going to make it. the laps were taking me about 1.15 -1.20..and a 10 o'clock sub 16 hour finish crossed my mind...but then as i started the last lap the blisters started to hurt....till now i had played the 'run from to' game many times...but going back up the hill i knew this lap would involve no running (1.30 cool down then) legs were ok but my feet were agony..i didnt care...i had over 2 hours to finish it so i marched on..caught up with a lady called Debbie and we started chatting and decided to keep each other company in the darkness for the last was a great move as chatting kept my mind off the pain in my feet...although i was also feeling a little ropey and a tad dizzy by this point we came back into town i heard people finishing and almost started to cry there and then..before i'd even all flooded i was here last year knowing i'd never hear the words i had craved for so long...and now here i was..this was my night.
we came into the town hall area where there was a little loop before the finishing chute..and the TV camera caught us up and asked up how we were feeling..i told him i was fine and that this was going to be twice as sweet as it was my second attempt...a vain effort to be on TV (though i bet i look terrible) and then this was it...i told Debbie to crack on and i hung back for just a moment to compose myself...this was it....2 years ago i had this dream.....last year i had not realised this dream...but now...i was about to become an i went...into a jog....honestly the finish was incredible...i saw friends from america who i'd told about the event at a wedding last week...they had stayed out all day and were at the finish...the lights were on and the noise was deafening...the camera was in front of me and i was waving and punching the air and high fiving people i didn't know...just before the line i stopped....and did a little shuffle (for the TV) and then..after 16 hours..8 minutes and 13 seconds...i heard it.....ANDREW BUTLER.....YOU.....ARE....AN....IRONMAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

OH MY GOD....suddenly rob walker and the TV crew are interviewing me...he said i got the award for the best told him 'everyday i'm shufflin' (LMFAO if you dont know the song)..he asked me what it meant to far off i was last year...where i got the energy from for the think i just waffled and probably come across like a gibbering wreck but who cares?? Cat was screaming in the back ground and i ran over to her with my medal in hand (apparently given to me by Evette Grice..but i didnt know that) and gave her a massive hug...she was screaming 'you did it, you did it' and the camera was right on my maybe this will be on TV too...hahaha.

finally i had finished...but a race report would not be complete without some thankyou's
first of all...the BCTTT massive...everybody has followed my training thread and commented good and bad as they saw fit...nothing was ever taken in a manner it wasn't meant and i appreciate every bodies input.
special thanks to Stevie (s11) and Gary (Triumphant) both have encouraged and helped me off line and given invaluable advice.
Mike at Bridgetown cycles...what a genius....he told me if i wasnt at least 30 minutes faster i could have my money back for everything...i was happy for his money to be safe..Thanks mike!
little riding partner...who got me off the loop and took me on a couple of 70-100 mile tours of Lancashire...those rides showed me the wall and how to get through it!
Grant Chiropractor..another genius in his field who's kept me upright all years...cheers mate
Most of all...of course...Thanks belong to the amazing Cat Butler...a 70.3 ironman herself and a constant source of love, support and cant be underestimated how much she gave to my cause and its with complete conviction that i say i could not have done it without her!!! Love always MrsB xx

It was an amazing event and once again the volunteers were incredible...they worked so hard to make our day go well...and i wish i could thank them all!!

Of course, last years experience made me much stronger...not physically...but mentally...and once i got on my feet i knew i was going to make it...and i had no dark thoughts on the 'run' at all..i had my plan...and i executed it pretty much exactly as i'd have wanted to...i didn't care about the time only the finish and that goal seemed so far away...and now i've achieved it..i cant quite believe that i can...after all this IRONMAN

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

and then to liverpool

After what happened at bala i fancied a shorter race to enjoy...and i love the race at first attempt at Triathlon was the supersprint here and thats where i started on this road that i've now been on over 2 years...

Where: Queens Dock, Liverpool
When: 26th June 2011
Organiser: Liverpool triathlon on behalf of WTC
Distance(s): 1500m Lake swim, 40km bike and 10km run
Marshalling: excellent
Facilities: a few portaloos - hotel and arena toilets and showers
Technical: OW swim with the jellyfish , 4 lap closed roads bike ride ...pretty flat, 2 lap run

Cat decided to enter us at this race as she felt she might need the confidence boost of doing a 1 mile competitive swim before her half IM at cowman next weekend...i'm really glad she did as its a brilliant race really well organised and in a great city.
we decided we'd see how the race was going then see if we stay together ...depending on how far behind she was after the swim the end though it proved to be her waiting for me..our friend Sarah was racing with us's how it went.

Preperation wasn't brilliant for me...i did a 36 mile bike ride in horrendous conditions on saturday.....then had a 'few' watching glastonbury on saturday night.....hahaha...oops....only a reet
Race morning came and the 'few' had a nasty effect causing big time AD.....also didnt feel hungry but managed about half a bagel in transition and this was all going to come back to haunt me later in the day.
9.30 and we made our way to the dock to get in the crystal clear sparkling blue water of the River Mersey ...big wave....everybody commenting that it wasnt too cold but it tasted disgusting...i gave cat and sarah some words of encouragement as both were worried about the swim and we were off.
As usual i decided the middle of the pack was where i should be so set off and got amongst it.....a total Biff-Fest at the first bouy where it was very narrow...i had this huge bloke in front of me who would swim a couple of strokes, then panic a bit (it seemed) and stop/BS....but i couldnt get past him cause there were too many other people....i actually shouted 'just keep swimming' which seemed to spur him on and we all then got through...round the second bouy and it all then spaced out and i got into my stride and got to work...i held my place in the pack once it spaced out, passing a couple of people maybe but not being passed much.....going under the bridge there were a lot of jellyfish ...i'm a total wuss when it comes to things like this so i just shut my eyes...hoped i wouldnt touch one and kept swimming.
Then coming to the end i got another BSer righ in front of me....and just as i stretched out my right arm to enter the water...he kicked OUCH...right shoulder fooked again.....anyway kept going round the corner and out of the water in about 33....its about 200m on rough ground the the timing matt...i tried to just run it but had to stop..pull on my little wet shoe things (which dont go on easy wet) then get to the matt at 35.06.
just as i got to the row where my bike was.....i see cat...running towards the timing matt...WTF?...she totally nailed the swim and came across the matt 14 seconds after me.....if you knew what she was like last year with swimming you'd know this was an incredible swim for her and she was absolutely beaming...BRILLIANT.
so out onto the bike...we actually left T1 together having a little chat about the swim...couple of marshalls shouted ' time to chat..this is a race you know...hahaha'...i started to run and promptly nearly broke my neck tripping on my ice shoes.
got to the mount line and got on...set off....hang on...where is Cat?? turnes out her chain had come off right in front of everybody...
Bike was pretty uneventful for me....its not really flat but doesnt have hills...if you know what i mean..always either up a bit or down a bit....coming back from the turnaround there was a strong headwind which made 20mph a struggle...and it was rough gave my back a bit of jip. i took on a gel at about 8 miles which gave me stomach i was a little reluctant to have another but then about 16 miles it had passed so i took on a different flavour...which went down ok but again i was later to find out 2 wasnt enough.
On the last lap, coming back from the turnaround i saw cat going in the other direction...just a few minutes behind so i decided to slow down on this lap and then wait in T2 so we could do the run together (i'm taking nothing away from cat here...she would have caught me on the run...just telling you what i decided at the time) my bike time was 1.22.28...not bad at all as i didnt hammer it.
in T2 i got changed from BCTTT cycle top to TL running top put on my trainers and had a drink...saw cat coming towards the matt and gave her a shout to help her find our rack in the usual chaos. she had oil all over her face, it was so funny...had to wipe her face for her then we was off to start the run.
by this time it was getting warm so we just took an easy jog..took on a bit of water and had a bit of a giggle....both of us got a bit of a stitch so had a little walk for it to clear...then ran to the next water station, took on a bit more and cat tried one of the energy bars (she was hungry) which she promptly spat out...

just past the turn point cat had another walk where i then convinced her to run to the aid was my from then on she got her stride on and felt better while i slowly started to BONK.....i felt it coming and by the start of the second lap i was flagging big time.....This was not too bad a thing cause it made Cat take the run easy with a view to her race this coming weekend...but i was really struggling and knew i needed something.....i got a gel when we finally made the aid was horrible but i had to have it...round the turnaround....walk a bit , try and run a bit...MAKE cat stay with me...she had to take it easy but i didnt want her to beat me by too much did i..... so i promised her i'd let her cross the line
past the aid station for the last time and then i started to feel better and we managed to get going again...over the timing matt and it was banging hot by this time so i was glad it was coming to an end...we went into the finish chute where cat got going.....i was going to sprint past her over the line but i dont want to get divorced in we came with me two seconds behind her for a 3.18 finish....both wearing Team Laws kit and smiling.
Sarah by the way came in at 2.50....a fantastic result for her first OD
Once again this was a brilliant race...its really well organised, really well marshalled and the scouse people are brilliant....really supportive both spectators and marshals and always smiling and so chatty.
If i have one negative aspect to find (apart from the jellyfish) its that they didnt really mark the 5150 thing very much...they had a pro race...and the finish had 5i50 series plastered over it but the medal was the same as the previous two years and i think they could have made it a bit more special...especially given the £74 entry fee.

today i'm absolutley fine...little tired but i not in any pain which has to mean my training is working...even though i'm not really getting faster..i'm obviously getting fitter.
will i do it again?? yeah....i think i'll always do this was my first ever Tri 2 years first ever OD last year and a brilliant event where everybody is welcome

Next race is Ironman.....the fear is well and truly knocking on my door now and i cant wait for it to be over....i just hope it ends the right way this time

almost there again..but first a race

here we are then....just over a month to go...and the fear has gripped me in a big way.....i've not a lot to post really other than 2 very contrasting race a DNF of what was my B race at Bala...and one a great race at liverpool OD,,i'll start with Bala and then do a new post for liverpool.....these are long and if your in the've already read them
Where: Bala, North Wales
When: 12th June 2011
Organiser: Wrecsam Tri
Distance(s): 2000m Lake swim, 80km bike and 20km run
Marshalling: excellent
Facilities: portaloos - leisure Centre toilets and showers
Technical: Bala Lake swim , out and back bike 900ft climbing each way, out and back run almost 500ft climb then back down
Freebies: towel, Gel, goodness shakes recovery drink!

Right then, first time i've done one of these so i'm trying to follow others examples with some detailed information about the race, the conditions and my feelings...although my race experience only covers the swim....cause i canned it 5 miles into the bike ride.....anyway....

Bala Middle distance triathlon is listed as one of the 10 toughest triathlons and was featured in a recent issue of Triathlon's a couple of choice excerpts from the piece

Even in June jumping into the picturesque Lake Bala ...will knock the breath out of you and make your head ring with cold.

The pain only increases with 993m of long arduous climbing over 80k bike

The run is 'so steep in places that you can hear you legs screaming in protest

Soooo.i thought it would be a good practice race in prep for IMUK.....i wanted a no pressure situation (no strict cut offs etc) where i could properly test my race didnt go to plan.

we rocked up to Bala on saturday lunchtime....wanted to give myself plenty of time to find it...check into hotel...meander down to registration....have a look at the lake and watch people doing a charity swim etc (but OMG the swim turnaround looked like it was a long way away) up with a few people and have a beer and a meal etc...then get an early night...good sleep and be raring to go on race saturday was great..but the forecasts for Sunday didnt look good...although the forecasts did seem to be improving suggesting the rain would stay away till about 3pm....all good!!
We'd elected to stay at the white lion hotel on Bala high street...and out room was lovely...four poster bed...great bathroom...loads of room for me, Cat and the trek madone...happy.
Met with my mate simon and Andy and his Mrs Mandy (fellow IMUKers) and had a wander round then settled in to have a couple of beers before our meal....this is about where it started to go wrong!!
we booked our table for 8pm...promptly sat and ordered at 8.15 all feeling hungry and drinking water (being very good)...9.20 our meal finally arrived...and tbh it wasnt great...but hey ho...ate and up to our room at 10.
Nice bottle of NUUN before bed sat watching a bit of TV and then turned in about 10.30 feeling tired and thinking i'd sleep just fine...then about an hour later it started!
Bala isnt a big place....i reckon there are 3 pubs...and right next to the white lion is a kebab shop...and over the road a pizza place....this proved to be the meeting place for wave after wave of drunk people singing every song (glory glory man utd.....or even heartbeat...were once i could recognise) and shouting which to me sounded like they were in my room! This continued till about 4 am and every time i nodded off another wave was seriously a bad night and i guess i managed 2-3 hours sleep max...

woke up incredibly reluctantly at 6.30 and realised it was going to be a bad day right away...i simply had NO INCLINATION at all to go and do 6-7 hours of exercise....we met for breakfast and everybody was saying the same things....although simon and Andy both said they had managed to sleep through most of the commotion...i was so tired i couldnt even get down scrambled eggs on a single piece of toast.
so we decided to go get our kit and head to rack our bikes and get numbered up etc.....walked out of the hotel (8.15am) and the rain was teaming down!!!
the next couple of hours were spent either complaining or hearing people complain about how crap the weather was and how much they couldnt be arsed!! and i really have never felt i didnt want to even start before...but i really did not want to race on this day!!

my race plan was to treat the whole thing as a long training target times were modest....swim and T1 in one hour...Bike and T2 in in under 7 hours finish.
I was in the 3rd wave with the gun going about 10 and stood around in my wetsuit i was freezing!!!! finally the time came to get into the lake and it wasnt as cold as i anticipated so i was happy...i positioned myself out to the right but not at the back...i figured the swimmers there would be similar to me...not looking to swim over each other but also not wanting to be last....then the gun went!
I read an article last week that suggested the key to swim success in a long race (for people like me) is to concentrate all the way round on technique...and if you feel your technique slow i did this....and i have to say i was well chuffed with myself on the out leg the pack had spread (though was bumpy at first but i didnt give any of my space away and didnt stop if i got bumped) and i was into my stroke and seemed to be flying sighting was going ok and i swam over to the left to go round close to the bouys as my confidence grew!!! to the turnaround and it got rough...really choppy....really cold and this seperated the men from the the field split massively and i was convinced i was dead last (which i was nowhere near)..i got my head down and just got to stroke was proper knocked off but i plugged away and finally arrived at the banking up to the jetti.....i must have looked like a new born lamb trying to get out of the a bit of cramp in the left calf and under foot it was agony (rocky and freezing feet) but i made it out and went to get changed.
AT this point the rain was bucketing down (i hadnt noticed in the water) and when i got to my kit i was my wettie off really well (for probably the first time ever) and shivered into my cycle top, tried to put on my arm warmers but as i couldnt dry my arms (raining too hard) that wasnt happening so put on my jacket, hat and shoes and exited T1...1.01...Not bad!!
Waved at Cat and Mandy under their brolly and realised my hands were so cold i struggled to move the gear leavers...and at that point realised my gloves were still in the box...i did not want to be here at all...i went through the town and turned left up the first hill where people were already on their way back (not the leaders...people retiring) and i passed about 4 people on this little hill alone....down the other side where 30mph would be easy....did about 14 as there was a river of water keeping pace with my tyres and making aquaplaning a real possibility....i kept going actually passing people but came upto the second climb (its up up and up till about 12 miles) and it was going into cloud/fog etc.......Sod that...i've had enough...i pulled my phone and text cat to meet me back at the car.
It wasnt a difficult decision and wasnt one i felt i would regret...the race was supposed to be something i would enjoy (its a beautiful part of the world) and a chance to practice....but i was only practising riding carefully and ignoring the cold...and finishing just didnt mean that much to me.

Watching people come in and make it through the Bike leg not one person had a smile on their face and i felt no regret or shame that i had canned it...i was GLAD...over 200 (so i heard) people DNF'd this race...the highest in its history.....the lack of sleep didnt help...and the weather didnt help....its just bad luck really and without one or the other (ie. i'd slept...OR the weather was nice) i may have felt different.

Its not knocked my confidence at fact the swim went i'm still well up for another bash at IMUK...just a shame my other big race this year turned out like this!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

April brings smiles!!!

April was a much much better month..but cost me a small fortune.
It all started in March with back injury....its a long standing injury but this year really threatened my second attempt at Ironman. i hardly did any training in March so i was determined to try and get back on track..but it had to be steady and slow and i had to ignore the books and other peoples training blogs and remember this was my race against only myself...and patience is how i'll come back.

So it started with the chiropractor and he got me then moved on to Bridgetown Cycles, bike mecca of the UK.( Mike there is a genius when it comes to bike fitting and he set me up with a new trek madone 3.1 that fits me perfect and is incredible to i'm chuffed to bits with that...unfortunately the WAT (Wife Added Tax..for those of you not in the BCTTT) stood at a whopping i had to buy MrsB one too....Trek Madone 3.1 WSD.....the good thing about this is when out riding together Cat has improved 100% i'm not waiting for her any more (in fact in a hungover state she actually chicked me up the hills)...both bikes are brilliant and its nice to have somebody to ride with though she's obviously not training to achieve the same sort of distances so my longer rides will probably be part alone.

Finally OW swimming is here too...i started last week in reading at the copthorne hotel HI 5 swim centre....cold but a mile right off the bat and pretty easy...pretty slow (36 mins) but thats about my pace so i can start building that up now.

April 2010 239 cycling
April 2011 202 cycling

April 2010 30 running
April 2011 31 running

no swimming...that started in May last year and has done this year

So...the back is feeling great, the shoulders not too bad (probably a bike problem too)..knees like cream cheese!!! but i'm on track i think....i have not lost as much weight as i'd hoped (i lost 1/2 stone before injury but some of that went back on) so i'm going to try and get that down a bit more...though as i've always said....i wont worry too much about that. fitness wise i reckon i'm stronger than i was on race day last year in both biking and its time to focus for 12 weeks....and make it happen!!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

march injury part 2

As i said in the last post...march always seems to be a tough month and this year it was a total write off...i had the worst back injury i've had in ten years and it took me the whole month to get back straight and training cast very serious doubts over my attempt this year also resulted in eating and drinking too much so weight loss stalled/went backwards too.....
but i'm happy to say i've come out of the other side and am back in full training.

I have to thank Grant @ Backinmotion (my chiropractor) for this...the guy is a genius with back problems and knew exactly what to do....exactly what i can do and never pushed...also never forced more (£32 a go) treatment on me if i didnt need it. Legend.

Another legend is Mike 'The Bike' Taylor @ Bridgetown cycles....i took my Ribble for a pro bike fitting and its incredible what this guy knows about getting the most out of your bike....he also has 'jedi mind tricks' and somehow i ended up trading in the ribble and buying a Trek Madone 3.1 Carbon road bike....WAT (wife added tax) came to 100% for this as i had to buy cat (mrsB) one too if i wanted one myself but he did a fantastic deal...took our bikes in PX and i'm thrilled to bits with the new one....on top of that it rides and feels incredible and comfortable so mike wasnt just trying to sell me a new bike...he was RIGHT...and now so is the bike.

I'm racking up the miles on it and back to full running...swimming has been very slow cause i'm bored with the pool but only 3 weeks or so till open water starts which i love doing and feel my shoulders will be ready for a decent assault.

As i said march was almost a complete write off with just 13 miles running and 68 cycling with 4 in the pool....very poor....April will be better (in fact it already is) though i've been coming back slowly and incorporating a lot of core work and back stretches.

I'm currently thinking of ditching one run a week in favour of either an extra ride or a palates / core workout but i've not yet decided and wont get hung up on it.

only 8 weeks or so to Bala and i'm going to have a right good go at being ready for that....cause if i can be ready for that i wont be far off being ready for IMUK!

famous last words eh??

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Feb was brill....March has started bad

There seems to be something about March....last year we lost Corky....which knocked me for 6....this year i've hurt my back....i've missed a week of training so far and will probably miss another week. this week is supposed to be the start of build training a real step back now.

February was a very consistent month training wise....much better than last years feb....for comparison
Feb 2010 Running 54 miles (did a HM in feb though)
Feb 2011 Running 47 miles

Feb 2010 Cycling 37 miles
Feb 2011 Cycling 182 miles

much of the cycling was on the turbo...which has proved useful as can be seen via the figures....but then the bubble burst.

i'll update once i know more about the injury...i have a lot to put right but it is all do-able.

heres hoping!!!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Started with a splutter not a bang

a month in already!!!! it seems so close

January finally finishes and Training has been pretty good if i do say so started out slowly as in halfway through the first week and into the second week i was full of a cold..a nasty one too (man flu if not swine flu or worse :-) )which totally hampered training. at least the snow wasn't around this year.
Once i got over the cold training got kick started and its been going great. running...although still not fast is really coming on good and i'm feeling better every run i do...i'm even running up hills these a strange way i enjoy the running the most..even though its what i'm worst at...i suppose its cause you don't have to think...just put in your ear buds turn up the music and see how you feel. all shortish runs up to 10k at the mo...under 70 mins and all at z2 HR.
Cycling at the moment is restricted to the Turbo trainer....i'm still not a fan of the turbo but after last year i know i need to embrace it...and build the legs up (which it is great for) before i start taking on the hills again come march....this time i'm going to ride, ride and ride more and really hope to knock maybe an hour off my ride time on the day....this will give me more time to try and relax into the run...anyway...more of race plans closer to the time.
I've also started swimming, the physio did a great job on getting my shoulder moving again and so far no adverse real distances done yet...but i'm taking it slow so as to avoid a setback.

In other news i've changed my schedule and have pulled out of the edinburgh marathon, it felt a bit close and people suggested i'd struggle to get back into long runs after it so i've decided to have a crack at Bala half ironman in will be a really strong test as its very hilly...also a great event and one i'm looking forward to.

Also a big shout to MrsB here who has taken the plunge into the dark world of long distance triathlon and will be attempting to do the 'cowman' 70.3 in July...a real challenge and one that takes courage just to turn up at the start line for...Good luck Cat.x.

I'm feeling incredibly positive about it all at the moment...start of Jan i did have moments where i felt i didn't want to have another go cause i couldn't face all the training but now i'm into it and starting to see the improvements i feel differently...i've certainly eclipsed the training i did in January last year with the training i have done this year

Jan 2010 66 miles cycling 49 miles running
Jan 2011 112 mile cycling 60 miles running

I'm hoping i can keep it up and the more i do the more i cant wait to get to the finish line....every single run or ride i do i think of the moment in last years race when i knew i couldn't make it....

that's great motivation.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Happy New year

and a warm welcome back to my old friends 'Pain', 'Fatigue' and an early appearance from DOMS.
wow, its incredible how quickly you lose fitness.
I must admit that december was just about a complete washout...with no running, 2 turbo sessions (to test it after i bought it from a mate) and loads of beer and food. surprisingly i didnt put on any weight....i know this cause at the beginning of december i joined weight watchers on-line...not because i want to lose a load of weight...but so i can properly manage my calorie intake..rather than thinking just cause i've been running for an hour means i can eat all the pies!
Its incredibly easy and in the 4 weeks of december i actually lost what i expected in december. so thats good.

anyway training has officially started now...the snow has gone...the turbo is set up in the spare room with a big tv/computer monitor and i've had the go-ahead from my physio to start swimming.

On the subject of swimming i probably wont do much until about april...when the open water season starts...this is because i have two local pools and both are is full of the erm....lesser privileged people (best way i can put it) and is a nightmare with loads of kids...the other is 'the pool that time forgot' built in 1923 or something and hardly ever open....not to mention its boring going up and down in a pool. so i'll just go a few times...get some help with technique and test out the old shoulder...i'm not worried about the swim though, its the easy bit.

I had a lot of doubt over Christmas about how much i wanted to do this (in fact i still have them every day) but when people ask me about it i start chatting..and i go on and on...and i realise that i have to finish this...i have to have that ironman medal and put this thing to bed.....also...a mate has signed up after i convinced i cant pull out now.....He'll be fine...barring any mechanical problems he'll finish easy (though he doesnt think so) so i have to deal with the doubts and work hard on it....and you know what?...DOMS is with me right now and it feels kind of good......i'm happy to be back!!!

my plan this time is to concentrate on getting very strong on the bike...and strengthening my i dont have the same problems i had last year.
At the moment 'the fear' isnt with me....mainly i guess cause i know what to expect...but i still dont know if i can finish or only one way to find out.

Here we go again then..........