Friday, 27 November 2009

Not going to Plan much for all my bravado in 'training starts tomorrow'
that first week i did too much running and had to have 4 days off....but i have done some....just not as much as i wanted to.
In fact i was only really doing some base training which was mostly going to be running...last week i did 22 miles...this week i've done 0 miles (but i've been away in london).

whenever i'm away i realise just how difficult it is for people who commute to work, have families etc to get in their training. and i really admire the people who do it. i'm lucky in that most of the time i work at home, and even if i get a call out i'm usually able to crack on, get home and use a late lunch hour to go for a run. how people go out at 7am, don't get home till 7pm and then still have the motivation for training is totally beyond me at the moment.

anyway i've got one more week of running then i'm going on a swim training camp where i will spend every day for two weeks trying to perfect my swimming technique....well ok, i'm going on holiday to mexico but i really am telling myself it will give me a chance to get some time in the i guess we'll see. one thing i know for sure..i'll perfect my drinking technique.

"No mas tequila! Already mui loaded."